Production, Certification

How does MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® compare to Thermally Modified lumbers?

How does MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® compare to Thermally Modified lumbers?

Similar to Thermally Modified lumber, MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® has been subject to highly elevated temperatures to improve durability and resistance to decay. There are, however, several key differences between these two materials that make them unique and suitable for different applications.

One of the main differences between Thermally Modified lumber and Thermally Modified bamboo is their physical properties. Wood is a dense, strong material that is well-suited for heavy-duty applications, such as construction. However, MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® is about 7x harder than Poplar and 3x harder than Ash. Additionally, bamboo has a higher dimensional stability, meaning it is less likely to warp or bend over time, compared to wood. What’s more, MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® carries a Class A fire rating and WUI certification.

In terms of sustainability, both Thermally Modified lumber and Thermally Modified bamboo have theirIPE vs Bamboo X-treme advantages and disadvantages. While both materials are more environmentally friendly than chemically treated wood, bamboo is considered a more sustainable option. Bamboo is a rapidly renewable resource that can be harvested in just a few years, compared to the decades or even centuries it takes for trees to mature. Due to this, the annual yield of a sustainably managed bamboo forest is higher than that of a sustainably managed wood forest, this is for both hardwood and softwood species. Read more about the differences between hardwood and bamboo here.

Ultimately, the choice between Thermally Modified lumber and Thermally Modified bamboo will depend on the specific requirements of the project, including budget, sustainability goals, and performance expectations.

Interested in getting to know more?

Would you like to know more about thermally modified bamboo for your project? Get in touch with our experts here or discover how to buy MOSO® Bamboo X-treme® here!

Brett Kelly
Brett Kelly

CEO of MOSO North America CEO of MOSO North America Director General de MOSO North America PDG de MOSO Amérique du Nord CEO van MOSO North America Geschäftsführer von MOSO Nordamerika CEO di MOSO Nord America CEO da MOSO América do Norte MOSO北美公司CEO
